The Most Common Security Guard Duties

The duties of an unarmed security guard may include securing a commercial premises and patrolling a property. Crowd control in hotels and music festivals.
Can students get a Security Licence in NSW?

Students completing the CPP20218-Certificate II Security Operations can apply to SLED for a 1AC security licence in NSW, enrol now with Multisec Training Auburn.
Do I need a Security Licence to become a bouncer?

In NSW to become a Bouncer/ Crowd Controller you require a security licence, a Certificate II in Security Operations.
Could you provide First Aid Training in an Emergency?

In an Emergency your skills acquired from learning First Aid could prevent the situation from becoming worse.
Training to be a Security Guard in Australia

To be a security guard in Australia you must be an Australian or NZ citizen or have a Visa that permits unlimited work rights and obtain a security license.
What is the Security Licensing Enforcement Directorate NSW?

Security Licensing Enforcement Directorate is empowered to administer the NSW Security Industry, including all security training.
How do I get a 1AC Security Licence?

To apply for a 1AC Security Licence in NSW, first you need to complete a security licence course, which you could do with Multisec Training in Auburn.
How do I become a Security Guard in NSW?
To become a Security Guard in NSW you require a Certificate II in Security Operations, course CPP20218, this qualification is nationally recognised.
Weekend Security Course Now Available

The weekend security courses that Multisec Training conducts run for 5 weekends, over which you will learn everything you need to know to become a security guard. Further, you will be eligible to apply for a security licence and then get a job in the NSW Security Industry.
What training is needed to become a Security Guard?

Training to become a Security Guard, requires the completion of a certificate course CPP20218 in Certificate II in in Security Operations.
Enrol 1300 891 503.