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Role of Police Checks in NSW Security Guard Licence

Discover the role of police checks in securing a NSW Security Guard Licence, ensuring stringent background evaluations for reliable security personnel.


Security guards play a vital role in ensuring public safety, especially in places such as businesses and events. To become a security guard in New South Wales (NSW), individuals must go through a comprehensive process, including completing a police check. The importance of the police check goes beyond procedural requirements; it serves as a necessary evaluation of an individual’s trustworthiness. This process verifies that those taking on the responsibility of safeguarding others have a clean record, establishing a foundation of reliability.In this blog, we will discuss the importance of police checks in obtaining a security guard licence in NSW. Security guards are responsible for public safety, which makes their job highly important. Regular assessments ensure that they maintain high standards of trust and professionalism in the security sector. The police check is an essential step in this process, as it guarantees that licence holders are competent and have the utmost integrity. It is an essential checkpoint that helps maintain the standards and trustworthiness of the security industry in the region.

What is a Security Guard Licence?

Before we talk about the role of police checks in getting a security guard licence, let’s understand what a security guard licence is all about. In Australia, having a valid security guard licence is super important if you want to be a security guard. This licence is like a big stamp of approval, making sure you have the right skills, know-how, and good character to do the security job well. The steps to apply for it and the training time can vary depending on which part of Australia you’re in.Basically, having a security guard licence gives you permission to work in different security roles. But before you get the licence, you need to go through proper training, meet certain important qualifications, and get checked to make sure you’re ready for the job. The licence covers a bunch of roles, like being a bodyguard, handling keys, protecting people up close, watching over cameras, working as a door supervisor, dealing with money and valuables on the move, and immobilising vehicles. Knowing what a security guard licence involves allows us to examine why a police check is required to get and keep this required licence.

Background Checks for NSW Security Guards

When you want to become a security guard in New South Wales (NSW), the Security Licencing & Enforcement Directorate (SLED) checks your background to make sure you’re the right fit. These checks are thorough, looking at your criminal record and other important information from both NSW and other states. The goal is to see if you’re suitable and reliable enough to get a security licence.These checks are important because they help ensure that people who are supposed to keep others safe have good character. If you have a criminal history, it might make it difficult to get a security licence. And it’s not just about Australia; if you do something wrong in another country, it will also have an impact on your licence. So, these background checks play a big part in making sure the security guards in NSW meet high standards, keeping our communities safe. Understanding this helps us see why police checks are so important in the process of getting and keeping a security guard licence in NSW.

What is a Police Check?

A police check, also known as a nationally coordinated criminal history check (NCCHC), is a process that shows an applicant’s disclosable criminal history. This history includes details such as arrests, convictions, court proceedings, and more. It’s like a background check to see if someone has been involved in any criminal activities.Passing a police check is a must if you want to get a security licence. This check helps the licencing body figure out if your past criminal record might make you unsuitable for the security job. Different states and territories in Australia have laws that list specific criminal offences. If you’ve been involved in these kinds of violations, it might make it tough for you to get a security licence.Examples of criminal offences that could stop someone from getting a security licence include things like illegally having a firearm, crimes related to drugs and armed robbery, terrorism-related crimes, and offences of a sexual nature. So, a police check is a way to make sure that people with certain types of criminal histories don’t get a licence to work in security roles.

Importance & Requirement of Police Check for a Security Licence?

In the context of obtaining a security guard licence in New South Wales (NSW), understanding the importance and requirement of a police check is required. Also known as a criminal history check, this check is carried out by various state or territory police departments. Its main goal is to look into an individual’s criminal record, if any, within Australia. The key objective is to figure out if the person applying for a security licence has a history that might be a risk to public safety or could affect the trustworthiness of the security role.The police check is a fundamental part of the licensing process, especially in NSW. It usually involves providing personal details like your full name, date of birth, and address history. Additionally, applicants are typically asked to submit identification documents such as a driver’s licence, passport, or other government-issued identification. The relevant authorities then process the police check application to reveal any disclosed criminal history of the person applying for the security licence. This step ensures that individuals entrusted with safeguarding others meet the necessary standards of integrity and trustworthiness required for the security industry in NSW.

How to Get a Security Guard Licence in NSW

Before looking into the details of the police check process, let’s first understand how to get a security guard licence in New South Wales (NSW). The process involves a few steps:
  • Security Training- Start by completing the required training program, known as Certificate II in Security Operations. The specifics of the course, including duration and delivery, may vary depending on your location within NSW.
  • Licence Application- Once you’ve finished your training and obtained Certification, you can begin the licence application process. This includes submitting a form with your personal details, qualifications, and any necessary supporting documents.
  • Police Check- As part of the application, you’ll need to apply for a police check through the designated channels. Throughout this procedure, it’s important to provide true and accurate data.
  • Assessment and Eligibility- Authorities will review your application, taking into account the results of the police check, to determine your eligibility for a security guard licence.
  • Security Guard Licence Issuance: Upon successful assessment, you’ll be issued a security guard licence, enabling you to work in the industry.

Steps to Get a Police Check for Security Licencing

Step 1: Apply

First, you’ll need to go through a process to get a police check. You can do this through a place that the police trust, like the Australian National Character Check (ANCC). They usually have a form online where you put in your details and mention that you need the check for “security licencing.” Along with your details, you have to provide four types of ID documents:
  • One, when you start the ID process
  • One main document for general use
  • Two other documents are for general use

Step 2: Processing

After you submit your application, they check if your ID documents are real and match the information you provided. Then, they send your application to a system called the National Police Checking Service Support System (NSS). This system looks at your name to see if there’s anything in the police records that matches.If nothing comes up, they quickly say everything is fine. But if there’s a potential match, it goes to the police to double-check. If it’s not a valid match, they confirm everything is good. But if it is valid, they move on to the next step.

Step 3: Result

Finally, once they’ve checked everything, the place where you applied (like ANCC) will let you know the result. If everything looks okay and there are no issues, you’re all set to move forward.

Overseas Police Checks, Clearance, and Verification

If you’ve lived abroad in the last 10 years since turning 16, you’ll need an overseas police check from any country where you spent over 12 months. This applies to everyone in Australia, including citizens, permanent residents, and visa holders. Your overseas police clearance must be in English, issued within the last 12 months, and verified by the country’s embassy or consulate in Australia.

Obtaining Your Overseas Police Clearance

For those currently in Australia, obtaining an overseas police clearance can be challenging. It’s advised to contact the relevant country’s embassy, consulate, or high commission promptly for guidance. Check their website for information on police clearances; if not available, reach out via email or phone. While embassies can offer information and assistance, securing the clearance is your responsibility, and the processing time can be lengthy, sometimes taking 4-6 months.

Verifying Your Overseas Police Clearance

After obtaining the police clearance, it must be verified by the country’s embassy, consulate, or high commission. This step should be done promptly, as the clearance must not be older than 12 months when applying for an NSW security licence. Contact the embassy directly for the specific verification procedures, as each country may have a different process.

Criminal History’s Impact & Importance of a Clean Record

Even if someone has a criminal history, it doesn’t automatically mean they can’t get a security guard licence. However, when deciding whether to grant a licence, they look at different things. This includes the type and seriousness of past offenses and how long ago they happened in relation to the security guard licence. If the offenses are serious or recent, it can really affect the approval process because it might pose a possible risk to public safety.Additionally, having a clean record is not only important for getting a security guard licence but also for keeping a job in the security industry. Security agencies really prefer people with a clean history because they want to make sure their clients can trust them for safety. Sometimes, you might need to do regular police checks now and then, either when renewing your licence or as part of the conditions of your job. This is why having a clean record is important for a successful and trusted career in security.


The procedure of obtaining a security guard licence is tough, and a police check is one of the essential aspects of it. This verification investigates a person’s criminal history to determine whether they are qualified to work as a security guard. It is a system of security that makes sure those in charge of public safety are trustworthy and adhere to high standards.Maintaining a clean record is important for anyone considering becoming a security guard. It not only increases the chances of obtaining a security guard licence but also highlights the importance of honesty in a job committed to keeping people safe. Multisec Training is an excellent option for those seeking proper training for a security career. We provide the right skills and ensure that individuals are reliable security professionals, leading to a successful and fulfilling career.

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