
Physical Fitness Requirement for Security Guards

The blog emphasizes the vital role of physical fitness for security guards, enabling effective emergency response, reducing injury risks, and ensuring legal compliance across varying job requirements for optimal job performance.


Starting as a guard provides an opportunity for everyone searching for work in the security industry. As worries about safety grow, it’s clear that all areas need better security. Security companies, whether they’re private or part of the government, play a big role in keeping people and businesses safe.

Being physically fit is something that is rarely discussed, but is critical for security guard positions. Some people feel that having martial arts abilities or being really strong is required for this work, however being in decent shape, and having excellent eyesight, and hearing are sufficient.

A normal day for a security guard consists of a lot of walking and observation. As a result, you must be able to stand for extended periods of time and have strong eyesight, either with or without corrective lenses. However, on a busy day, you may need to accomplish a lot more.

In this blog post, we’ll go over why being fit is important for security guards and what it involves. Physically fit guards can respond faster in crises, patrol more efficiently, and manage risky circumstances better. So let’s have a look at why physical fitness is important for security guards and what the fitness standards are.

Why Physical Fitness Matters for Security Guards

Despite the perception that security jobs mainly involve standing or walking, physical fitness is a crucial requirement for security guards. Here’s why:

1. Preparedness for Action

While security roles may involve periods of downtime, officers must be prepared to swiftly respond to emergencies, including dealing with violent or unstable individuals. Fit guards are better equipped to handle such situations effectively, reducing the risk of injuries and ensuring the safety of themselves and others.

2. Reduced Risk of Injuries and Accidents

Maintaining physical fitness lowers the likelihood of injuries and accidents on the job. A security guard who is in good shape can rely on their body to respond appropriately in emergency situations, enhancing overall safety for everyone involved.

3. Physical Strength Requirements

In some cases, preventing bad behaviour may not be enough, and guards may have to actively interfere to detain or remove persons from the premises. Without adequate physical strength, guards and others could be at risk of harm. Therefore, being physically fit is essential for carrying out such tasks effectively and safely.

4. Preventive Effect of Fitness

A more effective way to discourage possible troublemakers is to have fit security personnel. When people see a physically fit guard, they are less likely to act violently, which keeps the peace and keeps disputes from getting out of hand.

5. Legal Responsibility

In certain regions, security guards have a legal obligation to protect the public in specific settings. Guards who are physically unfit may find it difficult to carry out their duties and may even face legal consequences. Therefore, maintaining physical fitness is not only crucial for performing job duties effectively but also for meeting legal obligations and minimising risks.

Physical Fitness Standards Across Security Roles

Below is an overview of the diverse physical fitness standards across different security roles:

1. Close Protection or Bodyguard Positions

In these roles, guards offer direct protection to high-profile individuals like VIPs, necessitating exceptional physical fitness. Bodyguards must possess strength, endurance, and agility to swiftly respond to potential threats or emergencies. Whether escorting clients through crowded areas or intervening in hostile situations, bodyguards must maintain peak physical shape to ensure their safety.

2. Monitoring Security Officers

While monitoring security camera footage may seem less physically strenuous, guards must remain alert for sudden bursts of activity. They are responsible for detecting and responding to security breaches or suspicious activities captured on camera. This may involve promptly responding to alarms, coordinating with on-site personnel, or conducting foot patrols to investigate potential security threats.

3. Mobile Patrol Officers

These officers conduct regular patrols to deter criminal activity and maintain premises security. Their role often involves extensive walking or driving, sometimes in challenging environments or weather conditions. Additionally, they must be prepared to respond quickly to disturbances or emergencies, necessitating a reasonable level of physical fitness and agility.

4. Event Security Personnel

Responsible for maintaining order and safety at various gatherings, event security guards face physically demanding situations, especially in large-scale events requiring crowd control. They may need to intervene in conflicts, assist guests, or manage crowd movement, requiring both physical stamina and effective communication skills.

5. Access Control Officers

Regulating entry and exit points at facilities, access control officers ensure only authorised individuals gain access. Though less physically active, they must remain vigilant and capable of handling confrontational situations. This may include physically restraining unauthorised individuals or responding to security breaches, underscoring the importance of maintaining basic physical fitness.

6. Emergency Response Teams

These specialised units respond to critical incidents like medical emergencies or active threats. Members undergo rigorous training and must maintain high levels of physical fitness to effectively carry out their duties under pressure. From giving first aid to vacating premises or eliminating threats, they need strength, endurance, and the ability to stay calm and focused in high-stress circumstances. 

Most and Least Physically Demanding Security Guard Roles?

The physical demands of security guard roles can vary greatly depending on the specific job tasks. Generally, the most physically demanding job in security is being a close protection or bodyguard. These guards need to be in excellent physical shape, have high energy levels, and be able to keep going for long periods of time. They receive specialised training to handle potential threats against the people they are protecting, which can involve dealing with violence.

On the other hand, the least physically demanding job in security might be a monitoring security officer. These guards primarily watch security cameras to detect any issues such as intruders or thieves. If they are working at a monitoring centre away from the site they are watching, it primarily involves sitting down. However, if they are on-site, they may have to do more active tasks like responding to problems or patrolling around. Although they still need to remain attentive, the physical demands of monitoring security roles are typically lower than other security jobs.

So, What Level of Fitness is Required for Security Guards?

When considering the physical demands of a security guard’s role, it’s essential to look beyond mere standing and walking. Security guards may need to swiftly navigate from one area to another, react quickly to emergencies, and employ unarmed defensive tactics to remove individuals from the premises. This necessitates agility, cardiovascular endurance, strength, and proficiency in defensive techniques. 

By maintaining a level of fitness that enables them to perform these tasks effectively, security guards can ensure the safety and security of the premises and its occupants during emergencies. Additionally, being physically fit is vital for security guards to effectively provide first aid and perform CPR during emergencies like accidents or medical incidents. Guards may need to offer immediate help until medical professionals arrive. Physical fitness helps guards to act fast, stay calm under pressure, and perform life-saving actions accurately.

How Can Security Guards Stay Physically Fit for the Job?

To effectively meet the physical demands of their job, security guards must prioritise their physical fitness. Whether you’re already in the security field or aiming to enter it, here are some steps to enhance your fitness gradually:

  • Incorporate Exercises

Indulge in regular strength workouts that use your body weight and require no further equipment. These workouts not only increase muscle strength but also enhance endurance and agility. Simple workouts such as planks, push-ups, and wall sits may be performed during calm periods at work, allowing you to build important muscle groups necessary for physical duties in the security field.

  • Practice Stretches

Stretching exercises can help reduce stiffness and pain caused by extended standing. Stretching increases flexibility and range of motion, which reduces the risk of muscular strains and accidents. Standing quadriceps stretches, standing lunge calf stretches, and seated lumbar flexion stretches are all helpful at addressing frequent tight spots, keeping you flexible and responsive throughout your shift.

  • Include Incidental Exercise

Use short blocks of time during the workday to integrate incidental exercise. While on duty, search for ways to be active, such as taking short walks during breaks or using stairs instead of elevators. These quick bursts of action not only benefit cardiovascular health but also combat prolonged sitting while increasing overall physical well-being.

  • Prioritise Regular Movement

Avoid prolonged periods of inactivity by prioritising regular movement throughout your shift. Even during periods of surveillance or monitoring, make a conscious effort to shift your position periodically to prevent joint stiffness and promote blood circulation. Incorporating gentle movements like stretching or light walking helps keep your muscles engaged and prevents discomfort associated with prolonged immobility.

  • Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

Give your body nourishing nutrients to fuel it so that you have steady energy throughout the day. Opt for balanced meals that include lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to support overall health and vitality. Avoid relying on processed snacks or sugary treats, as they can lead to energy crashes and fatigue. Instead, prioritise nutrient-dense options like sandwiches or salads with lean proteins and incorporate healthy snacks like nuts or yoghurt to maintain energy levels during your shift.

  • Stay Hydrated and Rested

Maintain proper hydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially during physically demanding tasks or in warm environments. Dehydration can impair physical performance and cognitive function, affecting your ability to stay alert and focused on the job. Additionally, prioritise adequate rest and sleep to support physical and mental recovery. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a restful sleep environment by avoiding caffeine late in the day and minimising screen time before bedtime. Quality sleep is essential for muscle repair, cognitive function, and overall well-being, ensuring you’re prepared to tackle the demands of your security role effectively.


As a security guard, being physically fit is crucial to responding effectively to emergencies, maintaining safety, and carrying out job responsibilities. Whether you are new to the security industry or already working as a guard, prioritising physical well-being is essential for success. You can enhance your fitness and meet the demands of the job by incorporating exercises, stretches, and healthy habits into your routine.

Multisec Training provides comprehensive security guard courses that equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills for success. Our Security Guard Course is designed for those who are new to the security field and want to get a NSW Security License. Multisec Training ensures that individuals gain the essential knowledge and skills required for success in the field. Our course covers fundamental operations as well as specialised training, providing high-quality education to prepare security professionals for the challenges of the industry.

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