Training to be a Security Guard in Australia

To be a security guard in Australia you must be an Australian or NZ citizen or have a Visa that permits unlimited work rights and obtain a security license.


If you’re interested in becoming a security guard in Australia, you will need to obtain a security license. You must also be an Australian or New Zealand citizen for at least 12 months or have a Visa that permits unlimited work rights.

Other criteria needs to be met to become a security guard in Australia, including a clean criminal history and be least 18 years of age.

Criminal History 

You must be a fit and proper person, which means you must not have any criminal convictions, and that you are able to prove to the NSW Police that you do not have any criminal associates and that you have not committed any offences that involve drugs, violence or dishonesty, or terrorism.  

Proof Of Identification

You must have a Driver’s Licence, Photo Card, or Customer number from NSW Roads and Maritime Services for identification.

Security Licence Course

In order to apply for a security license to become a security guard in Australia, you will have to have successfully completed an accredited course such as the Certificate II in Security Operations.

Language proficiency

Although there are no specific entry requirements to become a security guard, a good level of education is an advantage. Once you decide to enroll into a security license course in Sydney, you will be required to undertake a number of pre-learning exercises and quizzes prior to commencing your face to face classes.

Security Guard Salary in Australia

The average security guard salary in Australia is $58,646 per year or $30.07 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $50,392 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $87,321 per year.

Cost of Security Guard Course in Australia

Certificate II Security Operations CPP20218 completed at Multisec Training in Auburn.

  • $1,100.00 Weekday
  • $1300.00 Weekend Course 

Location in Sydney

Multisec Training delivers the security licence course in Auburn Sydney, at  15 / 191 Parramatta Road, AUBURN NSW 2144 with free onsite parking for our students.

Become a security guard in Australia enroll today at Multisec Training located in Auburn Sydney.

When you train with Multisec Training to be a security guard, we deliver Premium Security Guard Training.

This course has been designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to provide initial life support through CPR. The First Aid course is to be completed prior to starting Certificate II Security Operations course.

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